Getting Your Start as a Commercial Voice-over Artist

Starting a career as a commercial voice-over artist can open a world of opportunities. Imagine establishing the brand of products and services people use every day, and you already know how much of an impact your voice can leave on others. Of course, before you can start as a professional, it’s crucial to know where to begin. Here are a few tips to help you build a skillset.

Work with a Voice Coach

One of the best ways to build your repertoire as a commercial voice-over artist is to work with a coach. While having talent helps a lot in this industry, you will also want to develop a range of voices and overtones, so you can appeal to many verticals. A coach will allow you to refine your voice and explore your range.

Assemble a Portfolio and Build a Network

Creative professionals need a portfolio to show others. The portfolio will be your primary means of showing producers your capabilities – which can lead to interviews and offers. Assemble several voice clips that are at most a minute long.

You might also want to consider looking for agencies or building a professional network. It will be much easier to find work as a commercial voice-over artist if you have others helping you, rather than blindly emailing or cold-calling studios.

Ross Huguet