How a Voice-Over Builds Authority

There are many ways to exude authority and confidence with your body, but when you're in a booth and relying on your voice, it's a whole other story. No one can physically see you, true, but that doesn't mean you can't still project the authoritative tone that will let an audience know you know exactly what you're talking about. Voice talents like Ross Huguet have years of experience as a male voice talent and have honed their voice to encompass the right emotion you want.


Authority Voice Styles

So what does it mean when someone says they want you to project authority in your voice? It's not as simple as it sounds, and there are different styles and methods that male voice talent can rely on to fit into the role. Some of these roles include:


The Voice of God: Disembodied and Portrayed as Coming from Above

The Author's Voice: Involved and Emotional Tone, Immersed in Situating Themselves in the Action

The Attenborough Style: Gentle Intimacy and Excitable Delivery

This skillset is vital for any male voice talent to have; keep these three styles in mind, study it, practice it, and you'll find yourself opening the horizon for more opportunities. If you seek a professional for your projects, contact Ross Huguet for a reliable, authoritative voice-over experience.

Ross Huguet